Do You Have Questions About The $2.5 Trillion Digital Currency Market?

Do You Have Questions About The $2.5 Trillion Digital Currency Market

The digital currency market has almost reached $2.5 Trillion. 

People are making a lot of money in the digital currency market. 

Hundreds of companies happily accept digital currency for products and services. 

Hundreds of digital exchange companies will turn your digital currency into CASH at the push of a button. 

Should you be investigating the digital currency market? 

Do You Have Questions About The $2.5 Trillion Digital Currency Market

Mining versus buying digital currency

There are two ways to get into the digital currency industry. The first way is to purchase coins or tokens from a digital currency exchange.

The second way is to become a digital currency “miner”. A miner uses computer equipment to create unique coins or tokens. Each newly mined coin or token has the same value as existing coins/tokens that are currently on the digital currency market. 

There is one (big) advantage to mining rather than purchasing your coins/tokens. The cost to mine new tokens is usually a fraction of the current market value of coins/tokens.

For example – A 16T (terabyte) machine plan from Cloud Rush has an initial out-of-pocket cost1 of only $3,319. (A token pledge [priced at 5FIL/T as of 10/18/21] is also required at the commencement of mining; please contact Cloud Rush for details.) The estimated mining cost-per-token is $21.50 or less. On October 18, 2021, Filecoin was available for purchase for $62.64. You can see where this is going.

What would it take for you to get into digital currency? 

Now that you have seen a few of the numbers, what would it take for you to get into digital currency? 

Please take advantage of our FREE digital currency consultation, where we will be happy to answer any questions about digital currency and what it takes to become a digital miner.

Is now a good time to begin mining for Filecoin?

Absolutely! Please contact Cloud Rush TODAY, by phone, 626-779-2286 or by email, and ask for your FREE digital currency consultation. 

1 Out of pocket costs are defined as machine buy-in price and the first year’s hosting fee. The remainder of the term’s hosting fees will be due yearly upon the anniversary date of the contract.